Our mission is to protect your buying power

The ECU currently and network payment were designed to protect people’s purchasing power across the globe.

  • You can pay and get payed easily via a simple and secure QR code system and mobile app.
  • You’re protected from currency devaluation and inflation - your purchasing power is safe!
  • Your money is invested at all times on a low volatility financial portofolio which ensures stable returns. Your money is not dormant anymore!
  • All the Ecupay solutions are equipped with bank-grade encryption to ensure data confidentiality
  • Wherever you travel, you can pay without fear of exchange rates

Our Vision is to free global citizens from currency fluctation and devaluation

Today, when central banks and governments issue which dilute the value of national currencies, triggering inflation and untimately reduce your buying power. The Ecu is an independant currency whose value is anchored in a stable financial portfolio with low volatility, which makes it more stable than national currencies.

“An independant currency is the essence of freedom. We are here to carry this ideal.”

Arnaud Albrecht Founder, Ecu-Group